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The countries for which the Consortium has conducted such studies in the past include Laos and Mongolia in fiscal 2007, Australia, Yemen, Germany, Norway and Sweden in fiscal 2008, Bhutan in fiscal 2009, Armenia and Micronesia in fiscal 2010, and Bahrain and Myanmar in fiscal 2011. Michèle Feltrin, numbered signed etching, medieval sculptures, church gargoyles, intaglio engraving on copper plate, Ad vertisement by ElementsDeco ElementsDeco. They were also often used as rainwater gutters and chimney caps.

There are two types of studies: emergency studies aiming to rescue cultural heritage damaged by a natural disaster or other such situation by assessing damage, and regular studies that are conducted to collect information for future assistance for cultural heritage protection at the request of foreign countries. The purpose of gargoyles was to protect the church from evil spirits and witches. High resolution picture downloads for your next project. The church, therefore, used stone sculptures and stained glass windows to portray biblical tales. 511 Free images of Gargoyles Select a gargoyles image to download for free. The studies focus on the state of cultural heritage protection in the country in need of assistance and on international cooperation initiatives of foreign countries in the field of cultural heritage. They Tell Stories During medieval times, much of the general population couldn’t read.

The Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage conducts studies of countries in need of assistance in conservation efforts with the objective of promoting Japan’s engagement in international campaigns for the protection of worldwide cultural heritage.